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Interiors gallery


Hats and arena in Arles A lounge at the bank of France The Palio in Siena Arena of Arles Les arlésiennes
Hats and arena in Arles
- 2013 - 19.7 x 24 in
A lounge at the bank of France
-2010- 19.68 x 24.01 in
The palio in Siena
- 2010 - 31.88 x 25.59 in
Arena of Arles
- 2010 - 19.68 x 24.01 in
Les arlésiennes
- 2009 - 36.27 x 28.74 in
La chaise de mon grand-père Les rideaux rouges Mon salon à Paradou Robe rouge sur la table Robe rouge sur la table de mon salon
My grand-father's chair
- 2006 - 15.70 x 11.81 in
The red curtains
- 2008 - 19.68 x 19.68 in
My sitting-room in Paradou
- 2008 - 19.68 x 19.68 in
Red dress on the table
- 2008 -18.11 x 14.96 in
Red dress on the table
on my sitting-room
- 2008 - 36.27 x 28.74 in
La cour de la maison du Paradou La vue de ma future loggia Loggia avec rideau vert Loggia Le chat et le poisson rouge
Paradou’s house’s courtyard
- 2004 - 15.70 x 15.70 in
Sight of my future Loggia
- 2006 - 19.68 x 19.68 in
Loggia with green curtains
- 2007 -19.68 x 19.68 in
- 2006 - 18.11 x 14.96 in
The cat and the gold fish
- 2006 - 19.68 x 19.68 in


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